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Our Services

Intelligence services designed to meet the needs of our clients

Customised Solutions

We understand that each mission is unique. Our team works closely with clients to provide tailored intelligence solutions that meet their specific needs.

1. Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Human Intelligence (HUMINT) involves deploying field agents to gather critical information from local sources. These agents establish relationships within local communities, leveraging their language skills and cultural understanding to collect valuable insights that may not be accessible through other means. By engaging directly with individuals on the ground, HUMINT operatives can obtain firsthand information on enemy activities, local sentiments, and potential threats.

This intelligence is then carefully analysed and verified to ensure accuracy and relevance. HUMINT plays a crucial role in providing nuanced, context-rich data that supports strategic decision-making. Clients benefit from a deeper understanding of the local environment, which enhances the effectiveness of military, governmental, and humanitarian operations in conflict zones.

1. Human Int
Anchor 1

2. Signal Intelligence (SIGINT)

Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) involves the interception and analysis of communications to gather actionable intelligence. This includes monitoring radio, satellite, and digital communications to detect patterns, identify key players, and uncover hidden networks. Advanced technologies are used to intercept and decrypt communications, providing a wealth of data for analysis.

By analysing intercepted communications, SIGINT helps in understanding enemy plans, movements, and strategies. This information is critical for anticipating threats and planning countermeasures. Clients benefit from timely and accurate intelligence that enhances their situational awareness and operational effectiveness in complex and dynamic conflict environments.

2. Signal Intelligence
Modern Architecture

3. Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) utilises real-time surveillance through drones and satellites to gather visual data. High-resolution images and videos are captured to monitor activities, track movements, and assess damage. This visual data is then analysed to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and support strategic planning.

IMINT provides a clear and comprehensive view of the operational environment, enabling clients to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. Whether it’s monitoring enemy positions or assessing the impact of operations, IMINT is invaluable for planning and executing missions with precision.

3. Imagery Intelligence

4. Cyber Intelligence (CYBERINT)

Cyber Intelligence (CYBERINT) focuses on cyber operations to gather and protect digital information. This includes monitoring digital communications, infiltrating hostile networks, and safeguarding sensitive data from cyber threats. Advanced cybersecurity measures are employed to detect and neutralise threats before they can cause harm.

CYBERINT provides clients with the ability to protect their digital assets and maintain the integrity of their operations. By staying ahead of cyber threats, clients can operate with confidence, knowing their critical information is secure and their digital communications are protected from adversaries.

4. Cyber Intel
Wooden Door to Office Building

5. Threat Assessment

Threat Assessment involves identifying and analysing potential threats to provide a clear understanding of the risks involved. This process includes collecting data from various sources, evaluating the credibility and impact of threats, and providing actionable insights to mitigate risks.

Clients rely on Threat Assessments to make informed decisions about their security and operational strategies. By understanding the nature and severity of potential threats, clients can develop effective countermeasures and enhance their preparedness for any eventuality, ensuring the safety and success of their missions.

5. Threat Asses

6. Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Alerts provide immediate updates on critical threats, ensuring that clients are always informed of any emerging risks. This service leverages advanced monitoring systems to detect threats as they occur and disseminate alerts instantly.

These alerts enable clients to respond swiftly to potential dangers, minimising the impact of threats and enhancing their ability to protect personnel and assets. Real-Time Alerts are essential for maintaining situational awareness and ensuring a rapid response in high-risk environments.

6. Real-time Alerts

7. Briefings and Reports

Briefings and Reports offer regular and detailed intelligence updates, providing comprehensive analysis and insights into ongoing operations. These reports are tailored to meet the specific needs of clients, covering everything from strategic overviews to in-depth assessments of specific threats.

Clients benefit from having access to reliable and actionable intelligence that supports their decision-making processes. Whether it’s for daily operations or long-term planning, Briefings and Reports ensure that clients have the information they need to achieve their objectives and maintain a strategic advantage.

7. Reports


Mayfair, London

United Kingdom


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